About AlpenShield
CyberSecurity Academy
Live courses
On-demand courses
Certification courses
The Team
We have a team of instructors made up of professionals and Microsoft MVPs from different fields who share their knowledge to help you get started in cybersecurity.
Dean Ellerby
Technical Fellow, Microsoft Security MVP
Shabaz Darr
Technical Author, Microsoft Security MVP
Andy Jones
Technical Author, Microsoft Security MVP
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
What can you offer that I cannot get at other online training platforms?
With us you have the opportunity to learn from some of the most notable professionals, Microsoft MVPs and MCT in the field. Our combination of on-demand and live courses allow you to grow your skills on your schedule.
Do I need previous experience ?
There’s no need to have any prior knowledge for courses. We'll teach you from the ground up you’ll gain all the knowledge and skills you need.
How can I choose my courses?
With the Empower Pass, there's no need to choose an individual course. You subscription gives you whole Academy access for a full year - you can join as many Live Courses as you like, and consume all of our on-demand content.
When can I start studying ?
You may enroll any day of the year. Be online and start studying within a matter of seconds after enrolling.

Empower Pass